Digitalization begins with the empowerment of people!

Digitalization is changing the way we work: today, we can only be successful if we work together with other departments, partners and clients. The work of individuals becomes less important – only the result counts. And that, in turn, is based on customer needs!

Digitalization can only be successful when a critical mass of employees is able to apply the new technology competently. As soon as this happens, it becomes easier.

The best way to achieve this is to involve and upskill employees. To do this, they must be empowered to shape their own learning: Only then will they feel the personal relevance and emotional ownership of the digitalization project.

And because technology is constantly evolving, digitalization projects never really end. Thus, it is essential to be prepared to keep learning continuously. This in turn only happens when people recognize the personal relevance and can co-create their learning journey!