Do your training courses have “user generated content”?

“Do you still consume – or do you learn already?”

User generated content means letting the course participants self-direct their learning to a certain degree.

Such content created by learners can comments, blog posts and documents or links to videos, podcasts and websites.

Training courses with user generated content are automatically much more relevant than “complete” courses that are purely designed by the provider!

User generated content guarantees relevance and topicality

When participants generate content themselves, it touches them in their everyday work:

  • Often it is about current problems or challenges
  • Suggestions and solutions are based on the common working environment and personal experience
  • to share knowledge and experiences of all equally, motivates to learn in a self-directed way and to make one’s own contributions

Training courses that only use content from the provider often have several disadvantages:

  • Specially produced content is usually cost-intensive
  • As a result, it is often used for several years – which quickly makes it obsolete in the VUCA world
  • Standardized content is often not relevant enough for the participants
  • Prescribed tasks and sequences promote an attitude of consumerism

All this prevents an intensive engagement with the topic, reflection and exchange with others. Without this, however, learning cannot be sustainable. This is especially true for competence development and behavioral change.

Thus, user generated content significantly increases the impact of training for all stakeholders: Participants, companies and providers!